Thursday, 28 August 2014

Symbolisms-The Color Purple by Alice Walker,Animisha Sanchana 1313247

Sanchana Animisha
American Literature
28 August 2014
Symbolisms-The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Symbolism is the utilization of images or symbols to imply thoughts and qualities by providing for them typical implications that are unique in relation to their strict sense. Symbolisms have different forms.They convey the deeper meaning.They can be obvious and very subtle but they represent abstract ideas or concepts.The novel 'Color Purple' was written by Alice Walker in 1982.The story belongs to an uneducated black women's sufferings and her quest for happiness and love.It depicts the sexual violence faced by black women in 20th centuary.
In this novel symbolisms play a very important role.Here are few symbolisms used in color purple.To start with the word 'purple' in the title is itself used as a symbolism.The shade purple speaks to all the great things on the planet that God makes for men and ladies to delight in.In the beginning of the book celie's charector is in contrast to color purple.She has a ghastly life where she never took time to enjoy and live the little wonderful things in life which god created for us.Shug explains the essence of these things to celie using color purple.She says that god created such beautiful things like color purple to make us recognize the magnificence of his creation.. Shug instructs Celie that getting a charge out of life is precisely what God needs us to do; its a method for communicating our adoration for God. As Celie does figure out how to love life, she beautifies her room in her own particular home as all purple and red.
Her change into a full, unoppressed lady is symbolized by 'Pants'. Here Pants,are used as a symbol of liberation from patriarchy and sexism as well as economic liberation.As Celie not only starts wearing pants which were actually considered as men's attire in patiarchal society but also starts a business of manufacturing pants.This shows her break free from patriarchal society.
'God' is used as a very important symbolism in the novel.In the beginning of the novel, Celie sees God as her listener and support, yet Celie does not have a clear understanding of who God is.Halfway through the book, in a discussion with Shug, Celie that she sees God as a white man with a beard. Shug helps her to understand that god is someone with no gender and form.She asks her to consider god as 'it' rather than 'his or her'. At one point of time Celie stops believing in god as she stops writing to him but again at the end she writes to him this shows that not only does Celie see God as part of nature, but as omnipresent everywhere and in everything including her fellow human beings.
Symbols do move their implications relying upon the connection they are utilized within. "A chain", for instance, may remained for "union" and also "detainment". Hence, typical significance of an item or an activity is seen by when, where and how it is utilized. It likewise relies on upon who understands them.So in this novel symbolisms used might not have an universal meaning it is upto us to understand the context they are used and their depth in coveying the meaning.Symbolisms used in a novel makes it a beautiful literary piece.

Shmoop Editorial Team. "The Color Purple." Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 28 Aug. 2014.

Walker, Alice. The Color Purple: A Novel. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982. Print.

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